Seriously Joyful Living

Seriously Joyful Living

How do you react when you hear the word “discipline”? Does it stir up negative or positive emotions for you?

Discipline gets a bad rap, I think, partly because it can be abused but also because it’s just difficult by nature. Whether you’re trying to understand how to discipline your children so they grow into healthy, well-adjusted, productive adults without oppressing them or wrestling with self-discipline in one or more areas of your life, it’s not easy! And yet we would probably all agree that we can’t function, as individuals and as societies, without some form of discipline. And if dysfunction brings on grief, confusion, and anxiety, discipline must offer something better.

The more I reflect on this theme, the more I see that spiritual and physical disciplines are a big part of that, along with several other practices that have enriched my life. Here are my suggestions.

Wonder and worship: Even more important than discipline is the practice of pausing, listening, looking, and allowing yourself to experience awe at the world we live in. The mind-boggling complexity of the universe, the majestic beauty of the earth, and humanity’s diverse and fascinating nature all point to a loving and powerful God who deserves your worship. When you approach life with the wide-eyed wonder and innocent faith of a child, joy is right there waiting for you!

Self-discipline: When you commit to doing something that’s difficult but right, things start to change. Exercise, proper diet, fasting from social media, and even making your bed can lead to lower stress and better physical and mental health. Practicing a skill or training in your field can bring a sense of accomplishment and boost your confidence. Time devoted to reading your Bible and praying brings you closer to God and clarifies life’s deeper issues.

Fellowship: Spending time with family, close friends, and people with shared interests helps you feel connected, and the experiences you share create memories you can cherish later. Being part of a community, such as a church, gives you a support network and opportunities to learn from others.

Giving and gratitude: When you give generously and witness the good that comes out of your giving, it’s easier to feel grateful for what you have. And when you practice gratitude regularly, you see how much you have, making it easier to give. Giving and gratitude both bring joy! And I’m not talking about money only. Giving your time to someone or sharing your talents or stories or expertise or home or muffins. . . these are all joyful experiences.

Learning and creative pursuits: Curiosity and a teachable spirit are essential to experiencing life to its fullest. The moment you think you’ve arrived and don’t need to learn anything new, you’re basically done. Reading, taking workshops, experimenting, travelling, exploring . . . anything that expands your horizons, whether you excel or flop spectacularly, is worth pursuing. It isn’t the level of success that brings joy but rather the fun of trying.

If you’re a people-pleaser who feels burdened by the compulsion to make everyone around you happy, try this: Don’t stop caring about what other people think or feel, but stop worrying about it. You cannot control other people’s emotions or opinions, and you will burn out (and possibly create more significant problems) if you try to. Be compassionate, be respectful, be unselfish . . . but don’t take on a responsibility that isn’t yours to bear.

What’s one new way you will pursue seriously joyful living today?

Ann-Margret Hovsepian has written professionally for over 25 years and has illustrated coloring books since 2015. She has written hundreds of articles and is a bestselling author, co-author, or illustrator of multiple books.

Books, articles, and products by Ann-Margret Hovsepian.

Фото: Pixabay.

© 2023 XMegapolis. Used by permission.

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